Like you, with the arrival of spring, I’m feeling inspired.  Ok more like I have ants in my pants.  Something about the season of renewalenergizes us.  And those of us who live in winter climates, may be feeling a little extra excited and relieved to know the landscape of white is on its way out for a while.

Let’s get moving and clear some stagnant energy!  One of the ways we can clear our personal energy is through our breath.  Deep inhalations, and ‘candle blowing’ exhalations move stagnant energy out of our bodies. The immediate satisfaction is that you better right away!

Energy is energy. We hold energy in our homes with the things we collect.  Things that collect dust and remain unused, especially in the winter when we spend much of our time indoors.  So consider donating, giving away and removing things you don’t use.  It’s twofold; others benefit from your stuff while you’re creating space and flow.  Let the energy move!

Spring is an inspiring time with the sun up longer and the weather becoming warmer.  It’s a perfect time to bring our aspiring ideas into reality.  With all this ‘spring cleaning’, consider the ideas that pop into your mind to be downloads from your higher self meant to nudge you.

When we are clear, we are more likely to pay attention to the inner voice that is providing inspiration and direction.  I like to affirm it as the ‘Truth of your Spirit’.  Ideas are energy; energy in motion moving about waiting to be caught by someone who’s listening.  How often have you had an idea, not followed through on it and later find out someone else had ‘your idea’, implemented it and it resulted in success for them?

Next time you have a thought that warms your heart and is something you’d like to do, rather than talk yourself out of it, notice if it’s an ongoing theme or a thought that pops in often.  Clear yourself, clear your space and adopt some personal practices.  Dedication to the practice of listening, determination to being the creator in your own life and paying attention to any ideas/nudges you receive are some of the consistencies I recommend to help you ‘spring your ideas in to solid reality.

If you’d like some help with this, please contact me as I’d love to work with you!

Embrace Your Joyful Self

Elaine Jessica