The quote is actually Live and Let Live that most of us are familiar with. So, what does it mean to you? Generally speaking, it’s used in reference to life events playing out… and pointing to where we place our attention in the context of judgement, comparison and freedom of choice. It’s also a popular song title.

Ever heard the term ‘mind your own business’? I know! Sounds rude! But it’s perfectly poignant! It’s a challenge to mind your own business when it feels like that ‘thing’ going on is about you and the urge to react in defense of self feels overwhelming.

Where we have no control over another’s viewpoint or actions, it’s self defeating to attempt to force outcomes that appeal to our senses when the action or energy of the thought arises from another. It’s like beating our head against the proverbial wall. As hard as it feels when something appears like it’s being done to you, take a moment, take a breath and look at it through clear lenses so that an opportunity for growth is presented.

In that moment decide how it is you want to feel. Ask yourself why this is occurring, and what is my part in it? The Law of Cause and Effect speaks to the fact that nothing happens by chance. Thoughts, and actions alike cause reactions, setting off a wave of energy through the Universe. To let go and to let live in your purpose, is one of the highest forms of Spiritual maturation. There is no escaping the Laws of the Universe. They place in front of us the opportunity to take responsibility for everything that happens in our lives. Putting focus on Love Gratitude and Happiness will essentially create more positive experiences in our lives while allowing ‘the other’ to subside.

This is more than a concept. It’s understanding that if we rise above personalizing a situation, and understand every person is living their experiences in the name of growth and evolution(even if they are not aware of that fact), you are now awakened to it and realize another’s actions are about where they are at in life, not necessarily where you are at.  And there it is, the permission to live and let live! Change yourself, and that will change everything in your world!

With Love, Embrace Your Joyful Self