It’s Christmas time 2017!  A good time for reflection… As you may already know we are in Mercury Retrograde for another week, providing this time to truly review the story of what’s occurred in our lives this year. It’s been quite a year hasn’t it?  Perspective is everything… next to intention that is!  I’ve decided to feel blessed for all the challenges I have faced this year; while I hold deep gratitude for all the blessings that have shown up.  Here is what inspired this Blog… Recently I found myself in a situation where my values and sense of integrity led me into an emotional tizzy.  My expectations got the best of me.  I judged the behavior of another and felt the need to protect people I love from that behavior.  Sounds like a relatable story doesn’t it?  However, it’s proven through time tested scripts to be a recipe for disaster… Here’s the light bulb moment:  ‘Triggers provide Light where the contrast creeps in!  Shine a Light on the trigger!

When in the midst of our story, it’s easy to forget to ground ourselves in the realization that sometimes saying less is more.  I don’t mean getting walked over, rather allow the unfolding of the situation while doing what is in the best interest of your highest good, in the highest of integrity.  What leads a person to react to a situation when really we have no control over another’s behavior?   Being Human. Period.

Making our goal to maintain a ‘clear’ energy field, helps us discern without getting drug through the mud, what is effectively the best way to make sure we ‘feel good’ as much of the time as possible. The alternative, which is talking about and negotiating an unwanted situation, simply keeps the negative energy alive.  Situational self awareness guides to us catch our own behavior, giving opportunity to make different choices.

The Spiritual Laws we all live by are unwavering whilst Loving.  Our truth is that we are all accountable.  References of ‘karma’ or ‘what goes around comes around’ are not the intent of  Universal Wisdom.  We, us humans, have interpreted this as ‘you against me’ or ‘you lose, I win.’  God’s Universal Wisdom does not punish.  We are all loved unconditionally, we are here to grow, and to evolve.  Mistakes are allowed, expected in fact while we stand in the Light of Pure Love.

In the knowing we are each here to live out our soul’s contract, being concerned with our own behavior is a most important task for us.  Our own life’s experiences and choices are our teachers, if we are willing.  So, when you feel like someone is getting away with unsavory behavior, or whatever your focus outside of yourself is, know that your Light is enough.  Allow your Light to shine bright.  Be available to your personal shadows and bring love into them.  To know yourself is to Love yourself.

Enjoy Christmas with all the people in your life, leave everything but your ‘shine’ at the doorstep and thrive!!

Merry Christmas, with Love