Are you moving along the path of your 2017 resolutions and desires?  They say New Year’s resolutions are a waste of time, that they set us up for failure.  I rebut that, however there is indication that we tend to give up all too often.  It’s only February 2nd so should you be doubting the fruition of your goals, consider what I am about to say here first!

When we have dreams and set goals based on our heart’s desires, what often holds us back is doubt and fear Fear is not fact; it is False Evidence Appearing Real.  FACT is the Faithful Authentic Cooperative Truth (in self).The energy of fear holds the ‘indecisive self’.  Whereas, the energy of fact is the ‘self cooperating with infinite abundance’.

I repeat myself with this, because I love it and is so true.  The Universe has your back.  God is not separate, God is within. It’s profound to know isn’t it that your thoughts and spoken word are heard?  So with good reason, we need to choose our thoughts to be aligned and moving in the direction of our desires.

Here’s a tool to help with mind chatter that is not supportive of you realizing your best self and desires.  The next time your mind starts running amuck take ‘notice’ immediately and say aloud ‘Stop’or ‘No’.  By verbalizing this, it stops the lower energetic vibration in its tracks thereby not enabling it to attach to you.  Make this a habit.  Become aware of your dialogue.  You are essentially re-training your brain if you will, (your conditioned responses of internalized fear) to one of FACT (Faithful Authentic Cooperative Truth) in self.

With Love    Embrace Your Joyful Self
