
Meditation is NOT a four letter word, really!

Whether in my appointments with people or in my daily life I’m hearing people gasp at the mention of meditation.  Their facial expression alone says it all. Though meditation has become mainstream people feel the pressure to get it right.  However in the quest of quieting our minds we create the opposite effect.  We live in a world of noise and chaos where we seemingly operate at that level for most of our day. How many people get home from…

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On The Lighter Side

Spring has sprung! Of course in some places more than others in this western hemisphere, butnone the less we all feel the itch to get outside, to get active and get in touch with nature. Nature’s transformation is nothing less than inspiring as we watch it do its job. Commercials, social media, and the idea driven ‘How To’ shows further nudge the anticipation and excitement readying us to spring into action. They are designed to move us forward into our…

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You belong!

On a cool early March morning where it’s still technically winter where I live, I looked out the window and noticed a flock of forty plus Cedar Waxwing birds in the trees of the ravine behind me. These berry loving birds are usually in our area from late March through late fall. I noted to myself that this early in the year there are no berries available for these beauties. I’m quite certain these little smarties sourced out the bird…

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Have you been told to… ‘Just be open to it’?

Sounds simple right? So why does ‘being open’ tend to slip past us? Events and incidents are often noticed in retrospect leave us feeling defeated and missing the opportunity to shift to that space of ‘open heartedness’.    Generally speaking, we live our lives being told ‘how to be’, and ‘who to follow’ thereby becoming conditioned to live within the norms of societal expectations. This is a misalignment with our natural selves manifested from years of conditioning. Thankfully we can unlearn this by paying attention to a…

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Awareness and Perceptions

Have you ever been looking for something around the house but just cannot find it? It can be so frustrating! Then it happens, panic sets in as you need that ‘missing item’ and you need it now! Finally, knowing there are consequences of not having it in hand, you give in and give up. You’ve been defeated. Later, once it’s too late to recover your sense of lost dignity; you are surprised to discover it was right there in front…

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Here we go!

I am over the moon excited to share with you! As so many of us are seekers in this world, we have many questions about who we are and why we are here. If you are here reading this, I expect you are someone who is interested in the question of what is? At some point in our lives most of us pay attention to the query within regarding the state of our human condition as it relates to society.…

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