Each and every soul on this planet has come here to experience life, to learn through contrasting emotions, and best of all to love.
Each of us has many gifts and talents, defined by the littlest things we do to the bigger things we dedicate our lives to. We are also here, which is paramount to our growth, to face our challenges and struggles in this life we create.
Every soul is Divine and every soul is connected. We all come from Source where there is no separateness
Consider the energy of words we use daily. For example: TRUST vibrates energetically to Infinity – the wisdom of the infinite. CONTROL vibrates energetically to the ‘illusion of separation’, putting self in opposition, or trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. Both words used by us are contradictory yet we use them as if they are in sync with our goals.
With the ‘Spiritual’ talk of these times comes misunderstanding. Here’s a short analogy in part addressing some of our confusion around it: See yourself on a seesaw. On one end is your idea of spirituality, with you wanting and striving to ‘get there’…. to be spiritual; and on the other end of the seesaw is your life, the one you’ve worked hard to have control of because it provides you the ability to ‘keep up’, and follow the expectations set in front of you since you were small. Somehow Spirituality has been defined by the general population as something it is not. It is not ‘religious’, it is not being gullible or living in a bubble, it is not being a doormat, nor does having material success in life make you sinful spiritually. Guilt, shame, greed and fear are man made feelings that keep us small. We are ALL meant to be large and shiny and to express ourselves. Can you identify somewhere in your life where these emotions may keep you from your best life?
The concept of control means that you practice personal safety and follow common sense so you have ‘control’ of your personal space. It’s a fact of life because we live in a world where some people are acting out negatively and re-actively to the personal conditioning and environment that is causing them pain. Compassion tells us these people are unaware so unable to deal with the contrast in their lives.
Remind yourself the next time you are worrying, or playing out a negative outcome (being unnecessarily protective) in your mind, that it’s fear rearing it’s ugly head. Look fear in the face, acknowledge it and tell it you are literally moving in the opposite direction. When we attempt to control outcomes we have decided to live in fear. Consider trusting in the Divine Source, and relying on positive intention and expectation of all that is good is on its way.
Here’s the thing and it’s likely not new to you but, our reality stems from our thoughts. Our thoughts become our beliefs and our beliefs become habits. Put it out there and it will come. Like the movie with Kevin Costner, Field of Dreams – ‘if you build it they will come.’ I love that movie. So, what to do with those repetitive ‘the other shoe will drop’ negative fears? Purposefully, intentionally change your internal dialogue because we all are manifesting all the time!! The question is what will you manifest?