2016 was the year that people couldn’t wait to be done with.  We had lots of news worthy drama, global tragedy and turmoil.  For some it negatively colored their daily lives, and others carried on with dreams and plans seemingly less affected.  Why the difference?  An eagerness to experience life; perspective framed by their environment; a sense of responsibility; a belief in the Universal Wisdom; head stuck in the sand?  haha  Whatever the reasons, I want more of that!

People are brought into our lives for a reason and this dance we do with them teaches us something.  My husband, quirks and all teaches me.  Look around your life and notice who teaches you!  While others personalize and carry on about 2016, my husband recounted all the blessings he/we had experienced in 2016.  In his list he included the lesser of what may be considered a blessing, because for him they counted.  The glass is always half full for him.  Then we have the challenges side of the balance sheet.  What impresses me is how he chooses to frame, dress up and handle them.  Believe me when I say he too had challenges in 2016.

Last year was a doozy.  The summation of this nine year cycle played out in full color drama.  And we felt it!  Consider, in our personal lives that we have a choice to pay attention to that which supports and aligns us to the creation of our best life possible.  We can decide to Practice the discipline necessary to strive toward that experience we want.  It’s really that simple.  We are beginning a new nine year cycle in 2017 where opportunity awaits for us to create; to start something new.

In order to do so we have to avoid letting our brain, the culprit, tell us it’s too complex or too hard or I don’t know enough; that’s giving into fear, creating excuses.  Be kind, don’t judge, just notice where you have talked yourself out of something.

Create a habit by starting every day with a few moments of silence, positive affirmation and thoughts.  Play inspiring music.  Watch the momentum.  At the end of the day recount how well it went.  See how you’ve moved your day into something inspiring, creative and uplifted!

With Love

Embrace Your Joyful Self
