So! We come in all differing shapes and sizes. We have unique physical attributes some of which confer with our abilities as well as our challenges that are set before us. Our bodies are literally the vessel we are given in order to live out this lifetime. It is our responsibility to love it and care for it so that we avail ourselves to the opportunities waiting for us.

It’s a challenge to remain grounded in how you look in your body when we tend to fall prey to judgement. With that said, it must further be said….we are missing the point! I ask you to re-align to the concept that the unique, original, beautiful you is absolute perfection. You are a physical manifestation of your soul’s desires coming into this lifetime to create. You are a creator and you are here to create into physical form that which supports your desires and intentions without confinement or blurred perceptions.

Let me lighten the up a bit and offer some reflection. Consider that your body is a precious being. Notice all that your vessel does for you. Your heart beats, your organs function, your skin protects, your eyes see, your ears hear, you get it. Your brain is your central operating system for all of your bodies functions. Central to our life’s purpose is that our body is the vessel that supports your spirit, your connections, your growth, your experiences…

Here are a couple of small suggestions to help you start to notice the tapestry of your body and to gain a deeper appreciation for it:

1. When you bathe, look and notice your body; all that it does for you without you having to consciously tell it to function. Appreciate its gifts and the spectacular wonder of it.

2. As you lotion your skin, look at it with gratitude for the protection it provides you, for its ability to heal itself. Consider its function, its sensitivity and how you in turn need to protect it.

Can you redefine how you see your body, treating it in a way that supports you in fulfilling your desires? Will you allow it to reward you with health and the ability to complete all that you dream of? These are imperative questions to ask of yourself because it’s the noticing and the gratitude that tells you if you are listening within. Compassion for self…

Every small step is a step toward a shift in the subconscious patterns that you’ve carried with you about your body. Appreciate, love and nurture your vessel. Then watch your experiences change.

With Love,
Embrace Your Joyful Self
