Spring has sprung! Of course in some places more than others in this western hemisphere, butnone the less we all feel the itch to get outside, to get active and get in touch with nature.
Nature’s transformation is nothing less than inspiring as we watch it do its job. Commercials, social media, and the idea driven ‘How To’ shows further nudge the anticipation and excitement readying us to spring into action. They are designed to move us forward into our own creative processes. Oh, and to spend money on flowers and the latest greatest gadgets of course. At the minimum, we clean and power wash everything outdoors, and touch up the house with paint as we move out of our winter cocoons. It’s an exhilarating time filled with the promise of new life blossoming in front of our eyes.
There’s something about the gentle breeze of spring air and the depth of warmth we feel coming from the sun. Delving a little deeper into the energies of the months ahead, lets’ look at April, the energy of 4. This fourth month of the calendar year is a month of planning and organization. Where dreams and ideas get turned into plans and structure. Two thirds through the month the state of Aries consciousness moves into Taurus represented by depth, beauty and manifestation – to gardeners it represents planting seeds of new growth. Accordingly in this time and the month ahead, we look at this year’s holidays ventures and adventures that have been ongoing thoughts and dreams all winter.
As we move into the fifth month of May. We observe beauty blossoming in our yards while we regain our natural sense of connection to the outdoors, experiencing all that it offers as we flourish in optimism. This is the month of action as is the number 5! Freeing us from winter boots and coats and inspiring us to communicate ideas and plans! Smelling the roses so to speak then turning plans into reality. So much activity and groundwork happens in May. It sets us up for enjoying the remainder of the summer months making memories and creating lasting experiences.
Enjoy all that the Universe offers! Each season has it’s blessings! Though, I feel like this one is, generally speaking, the most welcomed season of all!
An affirmation this spring:
I receive in gratitude the wonders and beauty Mother Nature Provides.
Wishing You Blessings and Abundance
Embrace Your Joyful Self