My recent stumble was in the literal sense.  It’s really tough to be ‘present’ all of the time!  And!  Often a lack of presence transpires without misfortune.  Unannounced to me this time…. I was going down my stone steps on my back!  Later I defended my ego saying I wasn’t expecting icy steps because our walkway wasn’t icy (eye roll from family).  The truth was, my mind was on morning coffee and other things.

Some of you know I have metal hardware in my body and so not falling EVER is life’s number one rule in anything I do, much to the surprise to those who think lecturing me is helpful.  ‘LEARNING ALERT’:  Moments like this can cause your ‘shadowy’ reflex to ignite and light.  For me what surfaced was my inner control freak who I work hard daily to release and let go of … yet there she was.  She was showing up to control the pain and the outcome.  She even used self-deprecation in an attempt to minimize what just happened.  She intended to ‘fix this’ by shaming me.  ‘She’ is my shadow.  It took me a bit to recognize her, but I’m pretty sure my family saw her immediately.  What was really needed was self-compassion.  It was time to get out of the way and allow for the gifts coming my way to arrive.

Falling back (no pun intended-ok maybe) is part of being human.  We are perfectly imperfect.  This experience has reminded me of the depth of that. We are here to experience many things, some of them being contrast, better relayed as challenges.  Receiving love and nurturing one self, ministers our resilience toward helping us get back on track.  Self compassion opens us up to the blessings in what otherwise can be experienced as ongoing lingering trauma.

I took a week from social media, driving and working, and encapsulated myself in ‘my’ world.  I had a lot of quiet time on my back, love from family and friends, and two sessions with my Physio Therapist, a talented healer in all senses. For me, it was the best of gifts I could have given myself.

I am thankful for the ‘reset’ the Universe provided me. Possibly my recent stumble serves to remind you of your own resilience or need for self love? It may not always feel like it but without a doubt, THE UNIVERSE HAS YOUR BACK!

Embrace Your Joyful Self

With Love, Elaine