Let’s talk about the momentum of thought and how we can adjust the way we look at a condition called ‘being stuck’.

Let’s say you have something you want to do, or have, or be. You put a lot of mental energy into the idea of it. You dream of it, you desire it, and you want it…. But into your mind seeps contradictory thoughts… a plethora of excuses as to why you can’t have it, you can’t do it, or it won’t work out.

Energetically and vibrationally you’ve changed the momentum of the energy around your desires. The energy now moves dynamically in more than one direction. A greater pull in any one direction changes the result of what you have asked the Universe to answer to. The Universe has your back and will give you what you ask for, this is why clarity is so important.

Contradictory thought will keep you stuck until you change your thoughts, and in turn your emotions. As thought is a precursor to emotion, emotion creates our reality. You can do it! Train your thoughts to focus on possibilities, embody those beautiful desires and watch as you become the creator of your dreams and desires!

Embrace Your Joyful Self
With Love
