The air is changing and the colors are gorgeous! I just love the yellow backdrop in the ravine behind my house. I’ve taken notice of the little squirrel’s behavior as they prepare for winter; and of the birds as they begin to migrate and some of course prepare to stay. Daily miracles occurring right in front of me! Noticing helps me stay connected and continues to keep me in awe of nature.
Soon, a good deal of Canada will be covered with snow. Not everywhere experiences a Canadian winter that’s for sure. But none the less, they experience change. I think it’s important, that even where the seasonal changes are modest people take note of what Mother Nature is imparting on them. The scale of change is only one aspect, understanding that everything is alive and subject to change is a fundamental truth to be appreciated.
Whether we want it or not… changes are coming. We can look forward to it, or go into it kicking and screaming. It’s a letting go of what was and embracing what is. Just notice without judgement, as it’s a clue to how ‘flexible’ in dealing with life’s changes a person is.
By removing the ‘dread’ and replacing it with opportunity, winter can be majestic just as summer was glorious. Consider the gifts of winter and see them ‘snowball’ as you shift your thinking toward allowing. You got my pun right? ‘snowball’ …. I am laughing out loud 🙂
Embrace Your Joyful Self
With Love